
Cookie Policy

To ensure that this website works properly and smoothly and, to ensure that we always provide the most relevant services to you, we may place small text files (‘cookies’) on to your device. Please keep reading for more information about our cookies and how you can be in control of them.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are small text files containing a small amount of information that are downloaded to your device when you visit a website.

There are 2 main types of cookies:

  • Session cookies are downloaded to your device temporarily for the period that you browse a particular website. When you close your browser these cookies are permanently lost. An example of a session cookie is when you navigate from one page of the site to another page of the site during the same visit, you do not need to input your credentials each time.
  • Persistent cookies aka a ‘stored cookie’ is stored on your hard drive and has a pre-set expiration date. These cookies may remember things like you choosing to view in Spanish, so when you revisit the site at a later date, it is automatically in Spanish for you.

Cookies can be set by us (first party cookies) or by another company (third party cookies):

  • First party cookies: these are set and handled directly by, they cannot be read or accessed by another website. For example cookies to help maintain your log-in session, or to launch the banking section of the website.
  • Third party cookies. These are cookies that have been set by approved third parties, for example to help give us data on the amount of website traffic we get, or to initiate fraud checks.

What cookies do we use?

We categorise our cookies into 4 main types, please see more detail below:

Essential Cookies

To enable you to navigate through our site and use its features. These cookies are used to provide you content from the site and to provide you with the products and services that you expect from using our site.


  • To authenticate your details.
  • To help keep your information secure.
  • For fraud and money laundering checks.
  • If you log into the website, these cookies ensure you stay logged in.
  • These cookies let us know what device you are using so we can give you the best version of the site that suits your device.
  • Store your preferred language.
  • To authenticate you when launching a game.

These cookies include both session and persistent cookies. They can also be set by us or by approved third parties. Please note that if essential cookies are disabled you may not be able to use the site.

Functional cookies

These cookies are used to ensure that certain features work properly and to customise the content of the website based on choices you have made.


  • Remembers your username and language choice.
  • to help provide certain features such as live chat sessions.
  • to remember that if you went on Sports last time, you will go straight back there rather than to Casino.
  • if you prefer to see decimal odds over fractional, it will remember this for when you use the site.

These are first party cookies. These are set and handled directly by, they cannot be read or accessed by another website. Functional cookies can be either session or persistent cookies.

Performance cookies

To enable us to collect data for statistical purposes on how you and other visitors use the site. These cookies will also pick up if visitors get error messages from some pages.


  • Gathering data about number of visits and visitors to the site
  • Help us see how you are using our website
  • To identify any performance issues

These are first party and third party cookies. Approved third parties may help us analyse this data to better improve the service that we offer our visitors. We use Google Analytics cookies to help us track what pages our customers are visiting and which features of the website are being used. These cookies are used to improve how a website works.

Targeting or advertising cookies and similar technologies

These are used to deliver adverts that are relevant to you and your interests. They limit the number of times you may see adverts too. Cookies here also help us to measure the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.


  • To provide us with information on your visit so that we can present you with adverts that you may be interested in.
  • To perform site retargeting. A retargeting pixel (a tiny unit of code) on our webpage that leaves a cookie in the user’s browser, helps us decide whether to display (or not to display) a relevant advert to you when you visit certain websites within the retargeting network (e.g. Google Display Network).
  • To collect information about your browsing experience so we can advertise around contextually relevant content for you.
  • To collect information around your advertising experience with us. We want to make sure we don’t advertise irrelevant adverts to you and keep the experience as seamless as possible.

These cookies are placed by us and by carefully approved third parties. For social marketing targeting we work with such companies as Facebook and Twitter to provide you with bespoke advertisements that suit your preferences. To opt out, please see ‘How can I control my cookies?’

How can I control my cookies?

At any time you can amend your browser settings to block some or all cookies from However, if you block cookies from some or all the website’s functions may not perform as intended. For example, you may not actually be able to place any bets.

You can use your browser to:

  • Delete all cookies
  • Block all cookies
  • Allow all cookies
  • Block third party cookies when you close the browser
  • Clear all cookies

We use cookies

Detailed information, the purpose of use and methods of refusal can be found in the Policy